Manually entering commercial invoice line-level details can be a time-consuming process, where even simple mistakes can lead to compliance issues, increased operational costs and reduced service quality.    

What’s more, managing so many classification requirements and other data necessary to import a product, makes it almost impossible to remember every detail needed for every job.  

CargoWise’s comprehensive product file and parts database makes customs entries as quick and accurate as possible, especially if your customer has repetitive or complex products.  

Looking to automate your customs requirements? Here’s three easy ways you can get started with CargoWise today.  

Step 1: Pre-classify products

By pre-classifying products with associated customs and partner government agency data, users simply enter the product codes and CargoWise retrieves the relevant customs information to automatically populate the existing commercial invoice lines. 

Because both import and export tariff details are stored in the product file, you won’t need separate databases to store your information if you provide these services to your customers.  

Additionally, relevant data such as default country of export, country of origin and even unit pricing are stored here, making it much easier to maintain. 

Step 2: Store license and permit numbers

Under the Permits and Licenses Tab, you can store any special license or permit numbers that the product requires. From here, you can also find Binding Ruling information as well as Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Case Numbers.  

Step 3: Calculate quantities based on product codes

CargoWise’s product functionality can just as easily calculate customs quantities based on the product code and invoice quantity.  

Products can be added and maintained in a variety of ways, including manual entry or by receiving the data electronically from your customer. For example, when creating an entry, simply enter the product code and all the associated data you’ve set will pull into the corresponding invoice line automatically.  

If the product information is not already in the system, authorised users simply enter the data without needing to move through multiple screens, and the system saves the details for future use.

Want to accelerate the speed and accuracy of your customs clearance processes? Create, manage and clear your import and export customs declarations with CargoWise. Learn more

Need help optimizing your productivity with CargoWise? Our global CargoWise Partner network helps customers of all sizes implement and configure CargoWise to suit your business needs. Find out how

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